Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Teaching a Task - Riding a bike

There are many people in the world today who are not able too ride a bike this may be for any number of reasons for example their family could not afford a bike or they simply where not interested. I was one of the later people I didn't learn how to cycle a bike until I was 12 years old and finally bothered to try and learn. There are a few different ways of learning to cycle. I would like to try and teach some of these people who cant ride a bike to do so. There are a two different ways of learning to cycle that I know of some one safe but the other can be quite dangerous and extreme if precautions are not taken like safety equipment. The first way can only be attempted with the help of an other individual.
Step 1
Go to a flat field with bicycle and helper
Step 2
Sit on bicycle with your feet on the peddles
Step 3
Start to try cycle by keeping your weight evenly distributed as you peddle if not successful try step 4
Step 4
Repeat Step 3 but ask your helper to run along supporting your bicycle for a while then releaseing from the seat pole keep on trying till you succeed

This is the other way and how I learned to cycle These safety tips must be followed the use of helmet and pads are required also test your bikes brakes so you know that they are working and you know how to use them.
Step 1
Go to somewhere where there is a hill located you must make sure that the hill is not to step about a gradient of 20 degrees and busy with cars or people that you could run over with ypor bike
Step 2
Go to top of hill sit on bike and put your feet on the peddles
Step 3
roll down the hilol and when you reach the bottom start to cycle the speed of the bikes speed of movement should be enough to help you cycle

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